Student resources

Every writing situation is unique, and there is rarely one piece of advice that works equally well for every writer. That’s why we believe the best way to improve your work is by talking about your ideas with a real person—either with your professor, one of our consultants or someone else you trust. However, it is useful to have access to good resources with sound writing advice for times when you’re working on your own.

An affordable, reliable writing guide that the Writing Center would recommend if you would like to own a good handbook is a current edition of the Student’s Guide to Writing College Papers by Kate L. Turabian, published by the University of Chicago Press. If you would rather work with web sources, we’ve collected some on this page. We hope that the links below will help, and let us know what other kinds of writing resources you’d like us to provide!

Writing process

Elements of the traditional academic essay

Writing samples

Research and documentation

Language and culture

Communicating off the page

Professional writing


The Wofford Writing Center intends to develop our own set of student writing guides, and we want to begin by working with individual academic departments to develop handouts for writing in specific disciplines and genres. If any faculty members are interested in working with us on developing one of these guides in your area of expertise, please reach out at