Faculty Achievements

In addition to their excellence in teaching, many Wofford faculty members have published original research, received awards for excellence or have won prestigious grants. Below are the most recent faculty achievements:

May 2024

Rebecca Forstater
Rebecca Forstater

Rebecca Forstater, assistant professor of studio art, is an invited panelist at Clemson’s 2024 Research Symposium panel “Hallucinatory Practice: Machine Learning and the Boundaries of Creative Production.” Additionally, she is exhibiting work at Coco Hunday Gallery and has been announced as the juror for the 35th Annual Juried Competition at the York County (S.C.) Center for the Arts.

Dr. Ramón Galiñanes
Dr. Ramón Galiñanes

Dr. Ramón Galiñanes, director of undergraduate research, did a write-up in Political Science Today magazine highlighting the scholarship of Dr. Kimberly Hall, associate professor of English, and Dr. Rachel Vanderhill, chair of the Department of Government and International Affairs, on the topic of disinformation. The magazine is distributed to 10,000 members in about 100 countries.

Dr. Natalie Grinnell
Dr. Natalie Grinnell

Dr. Natalie Grinnell, Reeves Family Professor in Humanities, gave the keynote address, “Loving the Monster: Medieval and Modern Werewolf Romances,” at the 31st Annual Northern Plains Conference on Early British Literature on April 12 in Grand Forks, N.D. Her article, “Creating a Modern Bestiary,” will appear this summer in Vol. 24, Issue 2 of “Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture,” a special issue on teaching medieval and non-medieval literature side-by-side.

Dr. Aaron Harp
Dr. Aaron Harp

Dr. Aaron Harp, assistant professor of music, sang the role of Jesus in South Carolina Bach’s performance of the “St. John Passion” in March. He also sang bass in a recent performance of Charpentier’s “Litanies de la Vierge and Missa Assumpta est Maria” with Chicora Voices, a professional choir based in Greenville, S.C.

Dr. Stacey Hettes
Dr. Stacey Hettes

Dr. Stacey Hettes, professor of biology, had her manuscript, “Dispatches from the Couch, A Neuroscientist and Her Therapist Conspire to Reboot Her Brain,” accepted by Apprentice House Press for publication in spring 2025

Dr. Ryan Johnson
Dr. Ryan Johnson

Dr. Ryan Johnson, associate professor of accounting, published an article in the March/April edition of the Tennessee CPA Journal titled “A Post-it Note Approach to Ethical Decision Making.”

Eric Kocher
Eric Kocher

Eric Kocher, assistant professor of environmental studies, was selected as the winner of the 2024 Rattle Chapbook Prize for his manuscript “Sky Mall,” which will be published in the fall.

Dr. Anne Rodrick
Dr. Anne Rodrick

Dr. Anne Rodrick, Reeves Family Professor of History, has two publications appearing this summer: “Lecturing the Victorians: Knowledge-based Culture and Participatory Citizenship,” published by Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2024, London; and “Chatting up the Sciences: The Mid-Victorian Lecture-Gossip,” in “Victorian Review” 49:2, 2024.

Dr. Kristina Štefanić Brown
Dr. Kristina Štefanić Brown

Dr. Kristina Štefanić Brown, assistant professor of German, wrote the article, “Germany and Mediterranean Crossings: Suppressing Past Traumas and Revisiting Present Ones in Burhan Qurbani’s Berlin Alexanderplatz,” which will appear this June in “I.S. Med. Interdisciplinary Studies on the Mediterranean.”

Steve Zides
Steve Zides

Steve Zides, senior instructor of physics, was awarded a NASA Space Grant in the Research and Education Curriculum Development Subprogram to develop his LIBA course titled Lunar Dreams: the Past, Present and Future of the Moon.