
On this page, you can find out when/where/how to work with us and meet our peer consultants.

Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
7-10 p.m.
Wednesday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
7-10 p.m.

1-5 p.m.
7-9 p.m.

Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 1-4 p.m.

WHEN: We are open regularly during the hours listed above - you can book an appointment on this page or drop in whenever we are open. We usually have drop-in availability, but you may need an appointment during our busiest weeks leading up to midterms and finals. Please note that the Writing Center operates only during Fall and Spring semesters. We are closed during the first week of classes, finals week, and all college holidays.

WHERE: The first floor of the Sandor Teszler Library. Look for the colorful doodles on the glass fishbowl!

HOW: You will work one-on-one with a trained peer consultant who will talk through your ideas with you at any stage of the process. The Writing Center holds virtual and in-person sessions of up to 45 minutes. Because a visit with the Writing Center can only help you move forward one step at a time, writers should expect to have no more than one 45-minute session per day and should not expect their work to be finished when they leave. If you would like to work with us throughout your writing process, please plan to start drafting early and meet with us multiple times over a number of days.

WHO: Our staff are trained peer writers from majors all across the college. Peer consultants bring writing expertise that will benefit you no matter what class you're taking, but you can also learn more about individual consultants' majors and interests below.


Emma Estridge - Year: Sophomore; Major: English; Minor: International Affairs.
Hi! My name is Emma Estridge, and as an English major, I write a lot of literary analysis papers, poetry explications, and close readings that incorporate literary criticism. In addition to academic writing, I enjoy creative writing, especially fiction. My writing experience includes having my fiction published in literary journals. After I graduate, I plan to pursue an M.F.A. In Creative Writing

Jordyn Ford - Year: Senior; Majors: Biology and Sociology/Anthropology.
Hi!! My name is Jordyn and I mostly have experience in writing lab reports for STEM classes and research papers for Soc/Anthro. I enjoy listening to music, shopping, and hanging out with my friends. I plan to get my Master's next year and matriculate into dental school in the future!!

Miles Goodale - Year: Junior; Major: Environmental Studies; Minor: Film and Digital Media
Hey! I’m Miles (he/him/his).  As a neurodivergent person, I understand that our brains work differently than neurotypicals, and I would love to help you find ways to accommodate yourself in the writing process! I have experience in lab reports, film analysis, close readings, MLA, and creative writing. Although I have personal experience with those types of writing, I have consulted on economics, government, philosophy, and history papers. I can't wait to work with you!

Breelyn Grooms - Year: Senior; Majors: Biology and History (concentration in Ancient World Studies)
Hey! I have lots of experience in researching, analyzing, and understanding historical documents and information, so I'm always here to help with a history paper. I also have experience with lab reports for STEM courses. Outside of college, you'll often find me traveling, hiking, hanging out with my friends, or playing some type of video game. Following Wofford, I intend on attending graduate school and getting my Master's.

Mary Jackson Kirk - Year: Senior; Major: English (concentration in Film and Digital Media) 
I have a lot of experience in analysis and research essays, specifically from an English or Film perspective. My favorite kind of writing is film or prose analysis, so I always enjoy getting to draft or consult on those kinds of assignments.  Outside of school I love listening to live music, reading outdoors, and going to Sonic haha. After Wofford, I hope to work in the public relations field or social media management. 

Katie Stewart - Year: Junior; Majors: Environmental Studies and Psychology
Hi there! I have a lot of experience writing lab reports in both MLA and APA formats and crafting in-depth analyses. If you're ever stuck in your close reading assignments, I’m here to help! My ultimate goal is to help people, which is why I plan to pursue graduate school in clinical neuropsychology after Wofford. Don’t let that long title intimidate you—I strive to keep our sessions as relaxed and stress-free as possible. Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, watching movies and shows, practicing yoga, and gardening. I look forward to working with you!

Josie Thillet - Year: Junior; Majors: Theatre and English 
Hi! I'm Josie, I'm experienced in a variety of literary analysis forms, including research papers, lit reviews, close readings, and personal responses, and I particularly enjoy explications, especially of poetry. When I leave Wofford, I plan to get a graduate degree then go into publishing, and outside of Wofford, I love dancing, dogs, crafting, and any fun fall activity.

Sophie Thrasher - Year: Junior; Majors: Spanish and English
I'm in my third year at Wofford and my second as a writing center consultant. I hope to work in marketing and content writing for businesses. As a student/consultant, I'm most experienced in close reading essays, analysis of texts, creative writing, and prompt unraveling. Come to me with grammar and MLA questions!

Jack Tope - Year: Junior; Major: Theatre
Hey! I have had a lot of experience writing analytical essays and have a lot of fun interpreting creative works, especially plays. I love to read any pieces of writing that are relating to stories and what personal impacts they have. But mainly I am just excited to read anytime someone seems really excited about their topic. Aside from writing I enjoy doing theatre and photography, and I keep up with Atlanta sports! After graduating, I plan on going into acting in theatre in the southeast.

Lindsey Vane - Year: Senior; Major: Biology; Minor: Chemistry
Hi there! I love to read, watch nature documentaries, and engage with all genres of writing. You can see me for anything from rhetorical analyses to lab reports and statements of purpose. I'm less familiar with writing in the fields of business and politics, but, if you're patient with me, I'm sure we can have a productive session together. 

Videos produced by Miles Goodale