Engaging in dialogue about writing and revising in response to feedback are essential skills for students throughout their academic careers. Please consider encouraging students to visit the Writing Center if you assign writing in your course. The following is language you could use as a model for your syllabus statement.
I encourage you to begin drafting papers early and to take advantage of the Wofford Writing Center, located in the Sandor Teszler Library, which offers free writing feedback from trained peer writers throughout the semester. The Writing Center can work with you at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to outlining to drafting to revision, and they can work with you on any type of writing, whether it’s for your coursework or not. Writing is difficult, and all writers need feedback to improve their communication. Often, students find that writing centers are most beneficial when they visit regularly, even at multiple points while writing the same paper, so that they develop a dialogue about their work. To learn more about the Writing Center, visit their website where you can schedule an appointment. You can also drop in without an appointment during their posted hours.
The Writing Center’s list of professional editors.
Over time, the Writing Center intends to author a collection of writing pedagogy materials on this page that will be specific to the needs of Wofford faculty. We are beginning by developing guides for LIBA instructors, but we intend to create materials for faculty in all the disciplines. If you are interested in collaborating with us on creating materials specific to your department, please reach out at writingcenter@wofford.edu.