About us


The Writing Center is a team of students from varying disciplines and majors who are trained on how to work well with academic writers. We are not professors, so our job is to support you, not grade you. Writing Center consultants do this job because we love talking to you about your ideas!


We are your one-stop shop for any piece of writing, from term papers to creative writing to that extra-tense email you’re waiting to send. We work one-on-one with writers at any stage in the process. Whether you want a last look over a finished piece or you haven’t written a single word and need something to kickstart your brain, the Wofford Writing Center is here to help.

Outside of our regular sessions, the Writing Center also creates spaces for writing community on campus, because writing is infinitely harder when you’re doing it alone.


The Writing Center strives to be a supportive and inclusive space. If you bring your work to us, our goal is to help you move toward your goal.

We understand that it can be stressful to share your ideas. Trust us—we’ve been there, and our consultants will spend time getting to know you and give you another person’s non-judgmental perspective. It can be incredibly helpful just to see how your work reads to someone else. You’re also free to come in multiple times for the same project to develop a dialogue about your writing.

The Writing Center is open to all members of the Wofford community, including students, faculty and staff. We are a walk-in center, so you can come by our space in the library any time during our hours and someone will be there to chat.

We can’t do everything at once, so each writer should expect to have a maximum of one 45-minute session per day. Our priority is not to perfect an essay all at once—instead, we’ll collaborate with you to become a better writer with each session, one step at a time.

Wofford Writing Center Mission Statement and Core Values


Please click on the attached document for our full Equity Statement. Here is an excerpt:

“The Wofford Writing Center is committed to serving our community equitably. We reject a view of language support where our work would erase linguistic variety in the name of ‘correctness.’ We reaffirm that students have a right to their own language, as the Conference on College Composition and Communication has since 1974. This commitment does not mean withholding valuable information about academic writing. By discussing academic expectations as they are - changeable histories of language use within disciplines - not as absolute truths, we give writers more nuanced ways of navigating their work at college without denying their own voices.”

Dr. Allison Douglass


Dr. Allison Douglass
Assistant Professor of English