Office for Civil Rights, Compliance and Community Initiatives
Office for Civil Rights, Compliance and Community Initiatives
Dr. Dwain Pruitt
Chief Equity Officer and Vice President for Community InitiativesEMAIL:pruittdc@wofford.eduPHONE:864-597-4046OFFICE: Snyder House Annex
Elizabeth Rogers
Deputy Title IX Coordinator and Assistant Director of Civil Rights and Risk EducationEMAIL:rogersec1@wofford.eduPHONE:864-597-4229OFFICE: Snyder House Annex
Connie Scrivens
Lifelong Learning Administrative AssistantEMAIL:scrivensco@wofford.eduOFFICE: Central United Methodist Church, Education Building, 233 N Church St.
Jennifer Smart
Administrative AssistantEMAIL:smartjj@wofford.eduPHONE:864-274-2917OFFICE: Central United Methodist Church, Education Building, 233 N Church St.
Jarvis Steele, J.D.
Title IX Coordinator and Director for Civil Rights and Student Risk AssessmentEMAIL:steelejl@wofford.eduPHONE:864-597-4048OFFICE: Snyder House Annex
Lucy Woodhouse
Director of Lifelong LearningEMAIL:woodhousels@wofford.eduPHONE:864-274-2917OFFICE: Central United Methodist Church, Education Building, 233 N Church St.