Faculty and Staff

Dr. Amelia Atwell

Dr. Amelia Atwell

Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology EMAIL: atwellak@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4071 OFFICE: 203L Roger Milliken Science Center

Biography +

Stefanie Baker

Dr. Stefanie Baker

Professor of Biology EMAIL: bakersh@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4671 OFFICE: 203B Roger Milliken Science Center

Biography +

Lisa Cantwell

Dr. Lisa R. Cantwell

Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology EMAIL: cantwelllr@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4622 OFFICE: 106 Roger Milliken Science Center
Kelli Carrol

Dr. Kelli Carroll

Assistant Professor EMAIL: carrollkj@wofford.edu OFFICE: Roger Milliken Science Center
Dawn Carter

Dawn Carter

Adjunct Instructor EMAIL: carterds@wofford.edu OFFICE: Roger Milliken Science Center
Michael Lee Cato

Dr. Lee Cato

Visiting Assistant Professor EMAIL: catoml@wofford.edu OFFICE: 203M Roger Milliken Science Center
Matt Crook

Dr. Matt Crook

Assistant Professor EMAIL: crookm@wofford.edu OFFICE: Roger Milliken Science Center
Lori Cruze

Dr. Lori Cruze

Associate Professor of Biology EMAIL: cruzel@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4667 OFFICE: 203A Roger Milliken Science Center
GR Davis

Dr. George R. Davis

Professor Emeritus of Biology EMAIL: davisgr@wofford.edu
Dr. Jonathan Davis

Dr. Johnathan Davis

Assistant Professor of Biology EMAIL: davisjg@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-5020 OFFICE: 203K Roger Milliken Science Center
Stacey Hettes

Dr. Stacey Hettes

Professor of Biology EMAIL: hettessr@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4659 OFFICE: 104 Roger Milliken Science Center

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Dave Kusher

Dr. David Kusher

Professor Emeritus of Biology EMAIL: kusherdi@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4626 OFFICE: 203G Roger Milliken Science Center David Kusher's website
Geoffrey Mitchell

Dr. Geoffrey Mitchell

Associate Professor of Biology and Associate Chair of Biology EMAIL: mitchellgc@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4625 OFFICE: 203I Roger Milliken Science Center

Biography +

John Moeller

Dr. John Frederick Moeller

Professor of Biology, Interim Lead Health Careers Advisor and Chair of Biology EMAIL: moellerjf@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4627 OFFICE: 203D Roger Milliken Science Center
Jeremy Morris

Dr. Jeremy Morris

Associate Professor of Biology EMAIL: morrisjs@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4523 OFFICE: 203H Roger Milliken Science Center

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Bob Moss

Dr. Robert Moss

Professor Emeritus of Biology EMAIL: mossre@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4623 OFFICE: 203M Roger Milliken Science Center Bob Moss' website

Biography +

Katie Putney

Dr. Katharine Putney

Assistant Professor of Biology EMAIL: putneykh@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4531 OFFICE: 203J Roger Milliken Science Center
Charles Smith

Dr. Charles Smith

Associate Professor of Biology EMAIL: smithcf@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4657 OFFICE: 203F Roger Milliken Science Center Charles Smith's website
Natalie Spivey

Dr. Natalie Spivey

Associate Professor of Biology EMAIL: spiveynw@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4668 OFFICE: 203C Roger Milliken Science Center
Heather Stock

Heather Stock

Administrative Assistant EMAIL: stockhb@wofford.edu OFFICE: Roger Milliken Science Center