Wofford College is welcoming 17 new faculty members for the 2023-24 academic year. The group includes seven visiting professors.

New faculty include:

Dr. Ezgi Akpinar Ferrand, assistant professor of marketing

Dr. Yuriy Bulka, visiting assistant professor of mathematics

Dr. Lyla Byers, visiting assistant professor of sociology and anthropology

Dr. David Cantor-Echols, visiting assistant professor of history

Dr. Kelli Carroll, assistant professor of biology

Michael Cato, visiting assistant professor of biology

Dr. Matthew Crook, assistant professor of biology

Dr. Benjamin Ferguson, visiting assistant professor of English

Samuel Fontaine, assistant professor of American politics

Dr. Lillian Trotter, assistant professor economics

Dr. Josh Harris, assistant professor of finance

Dr. Daniel Helman, visiting assistant professor of environmental studies

Stephanie Holt, visiting assistant professor of philosophy

Eric Kocher, assistant professor of environmental studies

Perry Parke, assistant professor of business

Dr. Kristina Štefanić Brown, assistant professor of German

Nicole Tobias, assistant professor of computer science