I am always eager to welcome new Terriers to the college. In addition to new students and new families, this fall we also welcomed new faculty and academic staff. There are new faces across the disciplines, and the college hired its first director of academic advising and a new director for the Center of Education, Teaching and Learning.

Magic happens when you put those enthusiastic about teaching with those ready to learn. At Wofford, it’s an everyday magic that has been a part of the college’s culture since the first three faculty stood before the first seven students in 1854. As you’ll see in this Wofford Today, it’s a magic that now extends well beyond the walls of Main Building, where those first students lived, ate, took classes and met with professors.

While every student still takes classes in “Old Main,” students now also spend time learning from the banks of Lawson’s Fork Creek in Spartanburg and in the boardrooms and offices on Capitol Hill. They conduct research with faculty mentors on campus and complete internships abroad. They learn as they serve, lead, compete, perform, live in close quarters with others, and, yes, even when they make mistakes.

For the past decade, Prema and I have been on campus for all of it, and it has been our honor to serve this special place and the teachers and learners who, along with us, call Wofford home. As always, I invite you to visit the campus and experience the magic as well.

Go Terriers!

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Nayef H. Samhat