Sharing a room with someone is similar to other relationships -- to be successful, it requires openness, flexibility, and respect. Right from the beginning, it is very important to communicate openly with your roommate(s). Learning to live with other people, to acknowledge and respect each other's differences, and to allow one another the space to grow are some of the most valuable parts of the residence experience.
- Prior to beginning the school year, contact your roommate(s) to discuss what to bring and what to leave behind. Here are some other suggested topics that you should take some time to talk about with your roommate:
- Food: allergies, sharing food
- Bedtime: time preferences
- Music: how loud, what time of day/night?
- Guests: asking first, letting each other know
- Visitors: do you want visitors from within the residence visiting all the time and hanging out in your room?
- Do you have a secret word between you when one of you is getting tired and wants the visitors to leave?
- How messy or neat would you like your shared space to be?
- Every year when you move into your room or apartment, a Roommate Agreement Form must be completed by you and your roommate(s). We encourage all residents to take this seriously as it lays the foundations and groundwork for boundaries within the living space. It also will assist in discussing concepts you may not have thought about prior to rooming together.
- Remember, the best way to resolve disputes between you and your roommate(s) is to be up-front and to talk about the problems. The longer you dwell on them the more difficult they are to resolve. We encourage you to speak with your RA if your conversations with your roommate(s) don't work out.
- Your enjoyment of life at Wofford College Residence Halls will depend, to a large extent, on the thoughtful consideration you demonstrate for your roommate(s) and your neighbors. Your basic responsibilities and rights include the following:
- The right to study and sleep without undue interference from noise, guests, etc.
- The right to expect that your personal belongings will be respected and used only with your permission.
- The right to resolve grievances and assert your point of view. (Residence Life staff are available for assistance in resolving conflicts.)
- The right to read and study free from undue interference in one's room. (Unreasonable noise and other distractions inhibit these activities.)
- The right to a clean living environment.
- The right to free access to one's room, personal space and facilities without pressure from your roommate (or roommates).
- The right to privacy.
- The right to be free from fear of intimidation, physical and/or emotional harm.
- The right to ensure that guests respect the rights and privacy of the host's roommate and other residents.
- The right to expect reasonable cooperation in the use of "room-shared" appliances (TV, telephone, fridge).
- The right to have guests who will be expected to respect the rights of the host's roommate and other residents of the floor and hall.
- The right to live in a secure environment.
- The right to have individual differences respected. Acts of intolerance directed towards an individual on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation will not be permitted in the residence halls.