Faculty and Staff

Alva Anderson

Dr. A.K. Anderson

Professor of Religion EMAIL: andersonak@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4561 OFFICE: 205 Main Building Alva K. Anderson's website
Dr. Douglas Clark

Dr. Douglas Clark

Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion EMAIL: clarkdh@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4559
Courtney Dorroll

Dr. Courtney M. Dorroll

Associate Professor of Religion EMAIL: dorrollcm@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-5026 OFFICE: 211 Daniel Building

Biography +

Philip Darrell

Dr. Philip C. Dorroll

Associate Professor of Religion EMAIL: dorrollpc@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4563 OFFICE: 203 Main Building

Biography +

Trina Jones

Dr. Katherine Janiec Jones

Professor and Chair of Religion EMAIL: joneskj@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4638 OFFICE: 209 Main Building
Dr. Ingrid Lilly

Dr. Ingrid Lilly

Assistant Professor of Religion EMAIL: lillyie@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4457 OFFICE: 108 Main Building

Biography +

Daniel Mathewson

Dr. Dan Mathewson

Professor of Religion and Associate Provost for Faculty Development EMAIL: mathewsondb@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4560 OFFICE: 207 Main Building
Michael Stahl

Michael Stahl

Adjunct Instructor EMAIL: stahlmj@wofford.edu OFFICE: Main Building
Susan Thomas

Susan Thomas

Administrative Assistant EMAIL: thomassm@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4058 OFFICE: 02 Main Building