The December 1923 editorial in the Journal had this to say about the upcoming Christmas holiday:

“Christmas is the time when we celebrate the coming of One who taught men a better way of living than the selfish life that men are wont to live. We are supposed to make others happy at this time of the year, or that is what we have been taught to believe. We often think of Christmas as a holiday, and not as a holy day, and this is natural, for Christmas is both. It might be well, though, to think of ourselves as we are, and as we were last Christmas, and as we may be next Christmas. It’s really not a bad idea.

“And then, too, we go home, back to the surroundings, friends and acquaintances that we have known since we first began to live. We are back at home to live again and fit ourselves for another year’s life and work. There is nothing quite like a family coming home again for Christmas. It really brings the threads of life together again and makes us better able to appreciate some things and makes us able to see things in a proper perspective. Christmas is really a fitting celebration of a wonderful occasion.”

by Dr. Phillip Stone ’94, college archivist