After working on Capitol Hill right after graduation, Emily Pittman Reed ’00 received an offer to join a staffing firm in Greenville, S.C. Now she’s the co-founder and managing partner of FullDeck, a Los Angeles staffing agency for design firms, entertainment companies, advertising agencies, technology firms and more.

“I love helping to make a match between the talent I represent and my clients,” says Reed. “It’s very fulfilling to see that they’re happy in the roles they’ve accepted, and likewise, my clients are happy.”

Reed credits her Wofford experiences and classes in philosophy with Dr. Stephen Michelman and in English with Dr. Carol Wilson ’81 with building her emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills — both invaluable when evaluating people and skill sets and matching them with jobs and corporate cultures.

Reed and her husband, Samuel Reed ’00, love living and working in Los Angeles.

“LA has so many things to offer from landscape, food, culture and events. There have been very few times that I’ve had a craving for something that couldn’t be delivered in LA ... except good Southern food,” says Reed.

By Jo Ann Mitchell Brasington ’89