By Ellie Norman 

Alexis DeLoach ’25 won the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award in Cell and Molecular Biology at the Association of Southeastern Biologists 85th annual meeting held March 20-23 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 

DeLoach led a research team that included Sebastian Sisk ’24, a biology major from Inman, South Carolina, and alumnus Daiven Sharma ’24. She presented evidence for the phosphate-dependent control of symbiont cell division in the model anemone Exaiptasia diaphana.

Dr. Geoffrey Mitchell, associate professor and chair of Wofford College’s biology department, handpicked DeLoach, Sisk and Sharma for the conference. Reflecting on his decision, Mitchell expressed confidence in DeLoach’s abilities, stating, “I would not pick someone to present at this conference unless I had a lot of confidence in them. Alexis has always demonstrated maturity and she is incredibly bright and hardworking. So, it was a no-brainer for me.” 

DeLoach credits her interest in coral bleaching to her time as a student in Mitchell’s research methods course. She initially enrolled in the course to gain research experience that would help her prepare for medical school.

“Dr. Mitchell made sure I was prepared and as comfortable as I needed to be since I was very nervous,” DeLoach says. “He was willing to meet with me multiple times to review my presentation. I never thought I would have an opportunity like this, but Wofford supported me throughout the entire experience.” 

DeLoach says the biggest benefit from the experience was “getting out of her shell” and “networking with people from all over the country.”