About Residence Life

More than 90% of Wofford students choose to call campus home. Our campus offers a variety of on-campus housing options from traditional residence halls to award-winning apartments. Dedicated staff in the Office of Residence Life are on hand to support and empower each student throughout their time at Wofford.

Our mission

To provide a welcoming and secure environment that fosters success and prepares students for extraordinary and positive contributions to a global society.

To this end we prioritize wellness, promote holistic student development, facilitate community-mindedness, celebrate difference, empower personal responsibility and cultivate sustainability.

Our values

Our work is centered around these core values, which we recognize as necessary for the vibrant community we strive to create:

  • Inclusive Community - Empowering people to live authentically and develop transformative relationships
  • Holistic Development - Seeing opportunities for learning in every moment - in the classroom and out
  • Integrity & Accountability - Expecting and encouraging honesty and personal responsibility within our community
  • Sustainability & Resilience - Understanding our role as stewards of finite resources