Due Process of Law for the Honor Code

A student that is charged with violating the Honor Code which is part of the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities is guaranteed the following procedural safeguards:

  1. The student must be informed in writing of any charge or charges at least 72 hours before the case is heard.
  2. The student must be informed orally or in writing of the procedural rights set forth in these numbered paragraphs below.
  3. The student has the option of being excused from any tests or examinations for a period of 48 hours before and after the scheduled hearing.
  4. The student will be represented by a member of the Honor Council, who is appointed by the chair as the student’s advocate or, at the request of the charged student, the chair may appoint a Wofford student who is not on the council.
  5. The student has the right to ask the hearing board to invite persons to testify on their behalf regarding the facts of the case, and the hearing board will invite such persons.
  6. The student has the right to remain silent, and such silence does not constitute evidence of responsibility.
  7. The student and their student advocate and the college advocate are required to exchange all evidence and materials for use in the proceeding at least 48 hours prior to the hearing.
  8. The student may (and should) continue to participate in all course activities until the case and any appeals are fully resolved.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact the Dean of Students, the current chairperson of the Honor Council, or the Provost.

My signature indicates that I have been informed of and understand my rights in the Wofford College Judicial System.