Emergencies While Abroad

Always carry copies of your passport, insurance card and any information (student ID card, emergency contact card, etc.) that the study abroad program gives you. Remember to leave your actual passport at your overseas accommodation.

Keep your international cell phone with you at all times. If there is an emergency abroad, your study abroad program will need to reach you via phone immediately.

Your in-country study abroad program or host university will have specific protocols and procedures, to which you should adhere to in the event of an emergency.

For help and major emergencies, contact your closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

More detailed, country-specific information will be provided to all students during pre-departure orientations conducted by international programs staff the semester prior to a your abroad experience. Additionally, in-country orientations are provided by each study abroad program.

Students will received a copy of the Study Abroad Guide for Families, which they are strongly encouraged to share with their respective family members or guardians.