Tunde Balogun
Finance major, philosophy minor
Wofford experience highlights: Profession of Christian faith; Boyd C. Hipp scholarship recipient; commitment to personal fitness.
First destination: University of South Carolina’s Darla Moore School of Business to pursue an MBA.

Ally Bigham
Spanish major, business minor
Wofford experience highlights: Student-athlete on the college’s first softball team; service as co-president of Sigma Delta Pi Spanish honor society; undergraduate research studying race, nationality and ethnicity during the Spanish Civil War.
First destination: University of Georgia to pursue an M.A. in Spanish while working as a teaching assistant.

Yazmin Chavez-Medina
International affairs and Spanish majors, ROTC
Wofford experience highlights: First-generation college student who helped her parents gain U.S. citizenship; commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army; George C. Marshall Award recognizing scholarship, leadership, physical fitness and community involvement within the ROTC program.
First destination: Active duty in the U.S. Army, Adjutant General’s Corps.

Feng Chen
Biology major, business and chemistry minors
Wofford experience highlights: Phi Beta Kappa; Wofford Asian and Pacific Islander leadership; admission ambassador.
First destination: University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville, to begin medical school.

Alexis DeLoach
Biology major
Wofford experience highlights: Oral Presentation Award in cell and molecular biology at the 2024 Association of Southeastern Biologists Conference; club and intramural soccer; Gilman Scholarship to travel to Santiago, Chile, to study public health during Interim.
First destination: Charleston, S.C., to work as an emergency medical technician while applying to medical school. Graduated in three years while working as an EMT and volunteering at St. Luke’s Free Medical Clinic as a Bonner Scholar.

Matthew Phillip Yu Discaya
Biology major, finance minor
Wofford experience highlights: Designing and performing two research projects; Phi Beta Kappa, Honor Graduate; cooking for friends and Wofford student organization events.
First destination: Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston to become a physician.

Taylor Fuller
Biology major, sociology and anthropology minor
Wofford experience highlights: Minorities in STEM founder and president and co-president of the Association of Multicultural Students; Penny Kroger Memorial Scholar and Harold Mitchell Jr. and Marlon Hunter ReGenesis Health Care Scholar; National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates.
First destination: New York University’s School of Global Public Health to pursue a master’s degree in public health in community health, science and practice.

Riley Gettys
Biology major, neuroscience concentration
Wofford experience highlights: Gustatory neuroscience research with Dr. David Pittman ’94; Campus Union class delegate; International Day of Peace celebration host with the Rev. Dr. Ron Robinson ’78 and Peace and Conflict classmates.
First destination: University of South Carolina School of Medicine’s MedEx program in Greenville, S.C. Work in healthcare with underserved populations while applying for medical school.

Austin Givens
English and government majors, American politics concentration
Wofford experience highlights: Phi Beta Kappa, Honor Graduate; Pi Sigma Alpha, national political science honor society, vice president; Zeta Tau Alpha sorority leader.
First destination: Joseph F. Rice School of Law at the University of South Carolina.

Ben Grieves
Finance major, philosophy minor
Wofford experience highlights: Reformed University Fellowship; Kappa Alpha Order; study abroad in Prague.
First destination: The Cason Group in Charlotte, N.C., to work as a financial services sales representative.

Jacqueline Hansen
Sociology and anthropology major, philosophy minor, gender studies program
Wofford experience highlights: Edward K. Hardin Pre-Law Society membership and participation in the South Carolina Innocence Initiative; Wofford Asian and Pacific Islander, LGBTerriers and Wofford College Democrats; community- based learning through Spartanburg Housing and research on gender.
First destination: The workforce with plans to pursue a career in research and community engagement.

Carson Harrell
Biology and chemistry majors
Wofford experience highlights: Resident Assistant Rookie of the Year; Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award in Chemistry; social media influencer for the Wofford Office of Marketing and Communications.
First destination: University of Georgia’s College of Veterinary Medicine to begin veterinary school.

Meredith Hoff
Chemistry major, mathematics and physics minors
Wofford experience highlights: “Toxic Chocolate: An Investigation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Chocolate Products” honors thesis; Western Carolina’s American Chemical Society’s Outstanding Senior Award for Wofford College; Phi Beta Kappa, Honor Graduate.
First destination: Northwestern University to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, Ryan Fellow and Chair’s Fellow (fulltuition scholarship and teaching assistantship).

Alex Horn
Finance and government majors
Wofford experience highlights: Student-managed James-Atkins Investment Fund portfolio manager; Orientation staff leadership board; student-athlete on the men’s tennis team all four years.
First destination: Colony Family Offices, wealth-management group, in Charlotte, N.C., where he will work as a financial analyst. Before that he represented Wofford on NBC’s TODAY Show (aired May 22) and took a graduation trip to Japan.

Aidan Jenkins
Chinese and finance majors
Wofford experience highlights: Phi Beta Kappa; powerlifting and bodybuilding competitor; Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.
First destination: Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston to begin medical school.

Mary Ellison McCoy
French and international affairs majors
Wofford experience highlights: Study abroad in Nantes, France, during the semester and Morocco during Interim; Presidential Seminar representative; the opportunity to hear a variety of speakers and perspectives, including through the Hipp Lecture Series on International Affairs and National Security.
First destination: American University in Washington, D.C., to pursue a master’s degree in international affairs with a concentration in global governance, politics and security.

Grayson McDowell
Philosophy and physics majors, mathematics minor
Wofford experience highlights: Published philosophy paper in the undergraduate journal Simpliciter and completed a physics honors thesis; Phi Beta Kappa; Bonner Scholar.
First destination: Columbia University in New York to pursue a master’s degree in the philosophical foundations of physics.

Gabrielle Niles
Biology major, art history and chemistry minors
Wofford experience highlights: Member of Wofford’s Bonner Scholar Program; Joining Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, assisting in creating a Wofford College Charter; Held 3 executive positions on various Diversity Council Organizations.
First destination: Tuskegee University’s Summer Enrichment program and College of Veterinary Medicine to begin veterinary school in the fall.

Sandry Perez
Spanish major, education minor
Wofford experience highlights: Wofford’s Organization of Latin American Students treasurer; community engagement fellow and volunteer with Wofford’s Spanish department; inaugural scholarship cohort to pursue an MAT degree from Converse University.
First destination: Study abroad in the Dominican Republic to strengthen Spanish language skills and discover more about the country’s education system while teaching English to native Spanish speakers; Converse University to begin a master’s degree in teaching elementary education.

Julia Richardson
Chinese, philosophy and religious studies majors
Wofford experience highlights: Phi Beta Kappa, Honor Graduate; presentation of senior thesis “Watering a Dying Canopy: How Peter Berger Can Help Us Understand Communication in a Modern Age” at the American Academy of Religion Southeastern Regional Conference; presentation of philosophy senior thesis, “Why We Should #BelieveSurvivors: Epistemic Deference in Cases of Sexual Assault” at Wofford’s 2024 Conference on Gender.
First destination: University of Chicago’s Divinity School (fulltuition scholarship) to pursue a master’s degree in religious studies, eventual Ph.D. in Buddhist studies.

Ben Sale
Computer science major, mathematics minor, data science concentration
Wofford experience highlights: Independent research writing software to automatically identify animal presence in camera trap images; independent research in physics and computational science; Presidential Seminar representative.
First destination: Thirty Capital in Charlotte, N.C., to work as a data analyst.

Alec Schrader
Biology and finance majors
Wofford experience highlights: Portfolio manager of the student-managed James-Atkins Investment Fund; Terrier Start-up Challenge winner; internship at Watermark Advisors and Richardson Scholar; Phi Beta Kappa, Honor Graduate.
First destination: Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School of Management to pursue a master’s degree in finance.

Drew Sellers
Accounting and finance majors, mathematics minor
Wofford experience highlights: Admission ambassador, Bellringer Leadership Team; Resident Assistant of the Year and head RA on the leadership team; peer tutor; Phi Beta Kappa.
First destination: Clemson University to begin the Master of Professional Accountancy program (full-tuition scholarship).

Chuck Smith IV
Sociology and anthropology major, economics minor
Wofford experience highlights: Sustainability scholar who taught and mentored students at Cleveland Academy of Leadership; defensive lineman on the Terrier football team; Student Athlete Advisory Committee president.
First destination: Villanova University to pursue a master’s degree in public administration and play football.

Renee Stimpert
Psychology and Spanish majors
Wofford experience highlights: Study abroad in Salamanca, Spain; Adult Learning Center volunteer; summa cum laude graduate.
First destination: Parla, Spain, where she will teach English through CIEE.

James Sumner
Psychology major, history minor
Wofford experience highlights: Orientation staff; psychology senior thesis; hanging out with roommates.
First destination: Florida State University to begin the sports and performance psychology master’s program.

Kelsey Toole
Psychology major
Wofford experience highlights: Orientation staff leader; internship at Modern Wellness Family Counseling; study abroad during Interim in London.
First destination: Converse University to pursue a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy.

Elizabeth Young
English major, German minor
Wofford experience highlights: Internship with Hub City Press; Delta Phi Alpha, German honorary society membership; keeping a 3.9 or above GPA each semester.
First destination: The University of Stirling in Scotland to pursue a master’s degree in publishing.